Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My kids are growing too quickly -but I love every minute of it!

I just wanted to take a minute and jot down some things that I don't want to forget. 

Below is a list of things Cameron is saying at this point in his little life:

Coo (cool)
Tank ou (Thank you)
Mama (meaning Mommy, Dada, sissy)
I geh eh (I'll get it)
and he's mentioned Uncle a couple times.

I'm sure there is more that I'm just not thinking of at the moment.
He is growing so quickly and absorbing everything like a sponge. I know everyone says "my kids are so smart" but mine really are! I am not just being bias because they are mine. I work him like I did Sierra, even if he only sits to read for about 1/8 of a page!! We'll get there... 
I was starting to think that maybe he was never going to be able to hold interest in something until about two weeks ago when he became very interested in TV. This is his new favorite thing. How can I say no?! 
I would also like to talk about my daughter, Sierra.
Sierra is turning into such a wonderful young lady. We have our struggles, and we probably always will but she is such an awesome little girl.  She is a beautiful, intelligent young woman who is full of life and love. She helps take care of her baby brother, she gets good grades, she is always volunteering for something at school. She takes care of her classmates by helping when they need it.
She really is growing up. It makes me a little sad when I really think about the overall picture. She is only seven years away from being an adult, four years away from driving (scary!) but I can't think about it that way. I really do have to take it one day at a time. 

Two weeks ago Monday (the 15th) Sierra came home and told me that Alex finally asked her out. I knew that she liked/ him, we talked about it just a couple weeks before. I knew the time was coming but why in fifth grade? Why not 11th? Although I don't really want her to wait until 11th grade, that would probably make her feel a little left out. LOL.