Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Everyday I say, "I really need to blog tonight"... only, it never happens. Maybe I'll try a weekly blog just to update everyone?
We'll see what happens.

Here is a rundown of what's been going on here...
I'll start with the most recent.
Yesterday (5-12-2009)
I re-injured my back. Yesterday afternoon, I was standing over the playpen talking to Cameron and all of the sudden I had this bad shooting pain through my lower back. So bad that I hit the floor, almost in tears. The rest of the day I took it easy. Thankfully Mike was home because we've both been sick. So last night I decided that I'd take a bath to relax some before I go to bed. I ran a nice hot bath, everything was fine until I went to get out. Relaxing? Not at all! I sat up and the pain going through my back was probably the worst pain I've ever felt in my life (please keep in mind I had epidurals with both kids!). I was having spasms about every 30 seconds or so. I couldn't move AT ALL. Mike had to climb into the tub to get me out. I couldn't walk or get myself dressed... he had to do it all, while I was crying and, well, freaking out. So he finally gets me downstairs and into the car to head to the hospital. That was a terrible experience in itself that I will leave out. They gave me a shot in the butt (they say hip) with something "kinda like liquid Motrin" and send me on my way. No help at all. I have an appointment with my Dr. on Friday.

Cameron is growing way too fast. He has been rolling over for months, working on crawling anytime. He just learned how to really sit up on his own at the end of last week. And on Mother's Day, his first little tooth broke through. It's bitter sweet. I am happy that he is will soon be a fun little boy running around and talking, however, I am sad that he is not going to be a baby much longer.

Sierra is growing into a young lady and becoming more and more like her parents, this is a scary thing. I think she is probably "grounded" a couple of times a month. At least it seems that way. Her attitude is unbelievable at times. I hope we make it through her teenage years. Wish us luck!